Christian Learning Center
diligently educating tomorrow's brightest and best

Muzaliwa Memorial Fund
This memorial fund is being established to honor Elizabeth (Betty) and Rehema Muzaliwa - sisters who died in a tragic automobile collission December 9, 2016. They collided with an oncoming dump truck, while their mother, Bernadette, was taking them to school that morning. The children died at the scene within moments of the crash. They were only 18 and 16 years old, respectively. Their mother sustained severe arm and back injuries, which she is still recovering from.
These children were the life of our school. Their presence meant joy and happiness all the time, for everyone. CLC has never been the same their passing. They are irreplaceable and greatly missed.
This fund is dedicated to their memory and their legacy. It is also a tribute to their father, Kayamba, their mother, Bernadette and their surviving brother, David. Their parents are to be commended for the love and affection they gave their daughters and for the way they raised them up.
The funds will be used to make capital improvements to the facility and the grounds of the Christian Learning Center. Projects include:
A new soccer field, complete with goal posts and painted lines
Athletic equipment (soccer balls, basket balls, volleyballs, table tennis racquets, cones, etc.
Electronic microscope, 2 flat screen TVs,
Lunch-room tables and chairs
Fresh paint, decorative murals
Outdoor playground equipment
We would greatly appreciate your thoughtful gift of $100-$200 | $201-$300 | $301-$400 | $401-$500 or 501 to $1,000 to this fund. Our goal is to raise $35,000.00. The gift you give will honor these amazing children, their surviving family and bless many children for years to come. Your gift will keep Elizabeth and Rehema's memory and legacy alive.
To the right of this page, you may have noticed our girls memorialized on commemorative T-shirts. A little more than a handful were made for a select few at their parent's request, Since their release, many more have asked for their very own. The shirts are being prepared for release. Every dime of each purchased shirt will go toward the memorial fund that will help us to support our students' post secondary academic pursuits. Each shirt is priced at $25.
To thank you for your kindness toward our students and all the staff of CLC, we would like to present you with a charitable donation receipt for your gift and place you on our "Wall of Honor," where you will be memorialized along with our girls, Elizabeth & Rehema. No one will forget them and no one will forget you either.
Planned Giving
We are really blessed to have the students who attend CLC Academy. Even more, we are privileged to work with the parents of these children. They trust us with the education of their children and with the conscientious task of imparting godly, moral values that are in keeping with their domestic moral code. They give to the school faithfully by way of their fees.
Consider partnering with them. Even if your child or grandchild does not attend CLC, your faithful contribution of $10 or more per month, would go a long way in making our school better. It may not make our educators better, but it will certainly improve the school's facilities. Make us a part of your regular charitable giving each month.

Muzaliwa Memorial T-Shirts
$25 each